Monday, January 28, 2013

Mending Fences?

Saturday was one for the books. My sister-in-law invited me to go with her to Timmins for the afternoon. This was her first attempt at mending the very broken fence between us, well maybe not the first as I guess that would have been her appology. It was weird and awkard and by no means things are back to where they were  but it was a start. We chatted about Kelsie and how lost she is in her life -and atleast it was a subject where we share the same opinions and conerns. She invited me to park my camper back at Nick property -which at this point it was nice of her to invite me back but I don't think I can go back there quite yet I don't want to spend THAT much time with her just yet.

This weekend I've also come to realization that decisions regarding the termination of affairs and friendship with A (I will not say his full name due to the nature of our relationship) was indeed the right decision. It had been a tough decision call A on his bullshit and see what kind of friend/human being he actually was, and at first it was heartbreaking and a huge disapointment that the worse was true. But now I can honestly say it was the best thing for me. Having toxic people in your life is not very healthy. In a way I miss the fun we used to have but I don't miss the drama thats for sure. There's just one more toxic person that I can say goodbye to, the rest are unfortunately family that I'll have to find other coping methods to dealing with them.

I'm also pretty pumped about the prospect of adoption, and I may move up my timeline for starting the process. I'm going to visit my best friend Liz next month, and once I break the news to her about my intention of checking out adoption I'll probably contact the local childrens aid and see what they have to say. I am a bit doubtful that my financial situation will kybosh the adoption but I won't know until I check things out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear about your time with your SIL - I also agree that getting rid of toxic people is a good plan. Hang onto them too long and you become the toxic person in other people's lives!!