Monday, September 17, 2012

Councelling Confessions

I started seeing a councellor in July. To help with my stress and anxiety...I‘m not entirely sure its working, but I continue to go.

Lying by ommission. Last week she asked if i was medicated, i replied not yet which is a lie. I‘ve been medicated for a month now. My family doc put me on celexa, a anti depressent that helps with anxiety, though i feel less anxious i was hoping it would be stronger than what it is. I also wonder if the councellor even reads my file, the doc and her both have access to it. (I‘ve also been watching the tv drama Lie to Me on netflix...and think it would be facinating to do what they do study peoples micro expressions...and to be able to fool people).

I dont think this councellor and I are a good fit, shes not very prying. Just kind of takes whatever i say...mind you she could have a different opinion in her “notes“.

Last week we talked about me seeing a psychologist to get a diagnosis. I suspect I have either ADD/ADHD or Asperger‘s....i‘ve questioned this for a couple of years now. Having a label may not really mean anything except being able to explain some of the whys and to zero in on effective coping skills to work on.

Stay tuned for more confessions and progress reports.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

5I can't wait to hear your progress!!! I include you in my prayers every day! Lots of Love!