Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Giving back in Scouting

I took the first steps to get back involved in scouting. Our local scouting groups are looking for new leaders. And I've missed scouting ALOT! It's been one of those voids in my life, I knew it was there and tried to fill it with other volunteer work but it wasn't cutting it. It's been just over ten years since the "incident" (which I'm not going to rehash, in the interest of moving forward) I'm not entirely sure my parents will be pleased with my decision with regards to the "incident" but I like to think that by getting involved again I could possibly help and prevent anyone else from having to go through a similar incident. Scouting also teaches and promotes a number of skills that I think all young people should be exposed to: adaptability, being reliable, responsible, accountable, independance, team work, leadership, survival skills, gets kids away from the tv and video games along with many other good things. Some of my favorite memories are those that involved scouting. How could I not let other kids enjoy in some of those good times of their own; Its like giving back.

(my reinvolvement with scouting should hopefully give me a couple bonus points when I get the ball rolling on fostering/adoption; which also reminds me that I saw a poster up town looking for foster families I should find it again and get the contact numbers)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Good for you for not rehashing the incident - you do have me curious though... maybe I know, but I've forgotten if I do!