Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Start Here

My mom doesn't read my blog. Nor do I have her as  friend on Facebook. I beleieve there are certain things parents should not know and should not get involved in/with. My desicions to unfriend my mom stems from issues with the sister-in-law and cousin/adopted sister. But I'm not going there today with this entry...

Last night my parents brought me my car. The brakes went on it and well its important to have functioning brakes, and I'm not a fan of driving my truck with no 4x4 in the winter (not that you would know its winter I woke up this morning and the snow is melted and felt like a lovely spring day!).

Luckily I have connections, my mom teaches, er, is the special education teacher at the high school, so technically she doesn't teach one class but helps students in all classes. But the shop class is happy to work on vehicles, so buy the parts and free labour to get my vehicle fixed. My car was at the school for a week, but its fixed now. And I have to say a shout out to the shop teacher, he runs his shop like a trusted mechanic should run his shop, they only fixed what needed to be done, even though it was more than I expected, apparently having a 14 yr old car is a money pit. But at the same time he also knows what his students can do, we originally had asked if they could fix my transmission and 4x4 in the truck and Mr. ShopTeacher said he'd love to take on that project but unfortunately didn't trust this group of students to take on the project, my truck is still waiting. Thank goodness I'm a Burkholder and as tradition would have it own more that one jalopie of a vehicle.

Back to last night, car was returned, we had a short visit and a cup of tea. Parents left. Or I thought they did. A few minutes later dad comes in the house, can't find his keys. Oh OH! Time passes as we search for the keys, in the house, in his pockets, in the truck in the melting snow. Nothing, so it was decided I'll take them home to get the spare key and bring dad back. Mom got out of truck, door shut, BEEP BEEP! oh OH! Doors mysterially lock, locking their dog, Molly inside. We all freeze, someone must have stepped on the keys, we check, nope. Huh?! I take them home, on the way home I tell them about the Disney Character question. My dad didn't pick said a villian would be fun, my mom said no to any of the princesses, and no to a villian she'd be a sidekick but didn't say which one. The conversation verved a little bit, she said she's been having students not know what they want to do after high school, and really I don't blame them who knows really what they're passionate about at 17 and what and where they want their life to go, its a tough decision for anyone. To help them, or anyone she's come up with a couple of questions as a place to start:

1. What did you ove to do when you were 5-7 years old? What games did you play? Where did your imagination take you?

2. If money was no object, meaning you'd get paid no matter what you were doing, what would you do?

My answer to the second question came fast and without a doubt. Travel. See the world. The first question I asked my mom if I played with animals when I was young she yes yup, and now that I think about it I had a rediculously large stuffed animal collection, some of which I still have. She also said I was a good traveller even as a child. Maybe its weird or ironic that that's what I went to school for, Travel and Tourism and Animal Grooming.  Huh, maybe she's onto something, maybe you have to look to your past to see your future....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I "wrote" stories for Barbies and played and played... I would only play with Kel because she would conform to my stories and not mess with the plot. I would write if I could and money was no object. So I guess a writer is what I should be. I suppose I am I mean my title is grant writer..... it took me over a year to figure out I was getting paid to write.... wouldn't mind creative writing though... I just don't know what I would write!! My blog posts spur many conversations with my mom - she is an avid reader though - I'm sure you've seen her comments. Do you read her blog???