Just a few thoughts and rambles about my world and how I see things.
Monday, December 31, 2012
2012 wrap up
Mom wanted a mother daughter day to Timmins, so on Saturday we went to Timmins. It was uneventful we shopped had lunch came home. I stayed for supper at her house then came home. Soon as I got home my mom sent me a text to invite me to go bowling...wtf why could she have asked before I went home, I wasn't going back to town so I stayed home and dived into a book I bought while in Timmins and enjoyed an old lady night with tea and my book. At 330am the book was done! and I spent sunday reading the second book in the trilogy, now to just wait for the 3rd book to be released. The books that sucked me into another world are Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Their about a distopian/utopian society, kind of reminds me of the novel A Brave New World, which I had to read in high school, definately worth taking a look at if your a book junkie like me; and bonus they are teen/young adult books so they are very easy to read.
Tonight we went out for dinner with the family. However there was also some drama going on too....Kelsie broke up with douche bag turtle face at the end of October and got back together with Zac...until tonight. Kels was getting ready for her plans tonight, dinner with us then her and jess and nick and zac were going to party. She got a call from douche bag turtle face, he was in a car accident rolled his car and was in the hospital. And kelsie being the oh so wise person that she is, decides shes going to go see him at the hospital. Now to make matters worse, Zac was sittin in the living room at my parents when she sneaks off, all she says is I'll be back in bit. WTF! 40 mins later Zac gets tired of waiting for her and leaves. We live in a small town...he finds her with HIM at the hospital. Kels takes the douche bag home, Zac follows them. The three of them have a huge blow up, I thank whomever is out there to look over us that Zac had the courage and balls to put his foot down with dealing with those two crazies and say enough is enough and that he isn't going to put up with Kels' games and bullshit and he done with her. Now what I didn't know is that Zac had given Kels a promise ring for xmas and asked her to live with him this summer when shes home from school. All I really have to say is way to screw that one up Kelsie. I don't get why she felt the need to lie to Zac in the first place. Why not be honest with him and say douche bag was in a accident I want to go see him for a second can you take me, instead of leaving Zac an running to him, sure Zac may not have been pleased she wanted to go see him but I think their last day of 2012 may have ended on a slightly happier note. I'd like to say my heart aches for Kels but I have no sympathy for her, I ache for Zac. I recently found a quote on Pinterest that said "Oh honey your not that pretty to be that stupid" it reminds me Kelsie, now more than ever. I do hope that Kels doesn't end up with douche bag turtle face again and that she can somehow find her way and get her head on straight again cuz it does break my heart to see the kind of person she's become. (another example of this is that one of her friends whom she's known since kindergarden, father passed away just before xmas and she still hasn't taken the time to go out and see her!! Any time one of my grandparents passed away my friends were right there, sure it was awkward them not knowing what to say to me but it didn't matter they were there).
I was also privy to a bit of info on the sister in law and brother and their fertility issues. She was hoping to be pregnant by now, turns out they're having a hard time getting preggers. Which doesn't exactly sadden me. In a way it almost makes me want to run out and get preggers, but almost not really since actually being pregant and giving birth is not on my "bucket list" any time soon.
So my end of 2012 was full of drama as it was the first half of the year. I continue to hope and pray that the pregnancy stuggles continue for sister in law and the brother, that Kelsie find her head, that Zac can find the strength to move on and live a happy life, the my mom can remove herself from the drama in others lives, and that I continue to find strength to be calm and stress free and be me.
Christmas morning I packed up my gifts and headed to moms for 9. And not really being a morning person, well I but only if I get a good 8 hours of sleep, which I didn't, since we were up to nearly midnight playing games at my house. So I get to my parents house 10 mins late. Everyone is all in a tizzy cuz they all have other places to go. Wrong thing to say to me...I suggest that xmas day is a full 24 hours long, we could change the time of our gift opening, that didn't sit well with mom. Then Nick mentioned something about our traditions growing up about we can open our stocking first, but we werent allowed out of bed until 7am, after stockings we had to get dressed then it was eat breakfast and then dishes and turkey had to be in the over before gifts were opened. The sister-in-law made some quippy remark about being in her pjs and that she didn't know about these "traditions" again like the idle no more movement I'm with the smile and nod no more movement, so I insert my comment of how I'm pretty sure we've gone thru this the last 4 xmas' with her. I don't entirely blame her for her ignorance but my brother has some blame too, still annoys me. So anyway, we get to the gift opening part of things. And I gave Kelsie my usual box of goodies I've collected for her over the year, this year it included a tent, some books, a porno movie (back story to this is she would complain to my mom that the ppl in the dorm room above her were always "wrestling" so I made a dvd jacket cover saying it was all she needed to know about wrestling), and lastly I included about 20 copies of the ontario marriage license application with a note explaining that I had planned to go way worse with her gift but since she split up with douche bag turtle face (the ex) i toned things down but still felt I should include a few copies of this paper. That did not go over well, oh well. So Christmas morming I pissed off Kelsie, Jess and mom, GO ME! Mischeif managed! I've also decided and come to terms that I'm a grown woman and just because I don't have a spouse or kids is no reason why I should always be the flexible one to bend to fit into everyone else's xmas day plans. I say this now but next year my plan is to sleep in and go to moms when I get up, whether its for 9am, 11 am, or 3pm, I'll get there when I get there.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Xmas Hopes
I'm organized for the most part. I have a game plan for dinner on Monday. Sunday I'll make the dessert -a Key Lime Cheese Cake and a English toffee Cheese Cake, and the Bruschetta, and the French Onion Soup. I'll also peel the potatoes and leave them in the pot of water in the fridge. Monday morning I'll put the roast in the slow cooker and take out my goodies and bread to thaw. Monday after work, I can make the cinnamon popcorn for after church then I can re heat the soup and toast the bruschetta, boil the corn and taters and make yorkshire pudding. And enjoy everyones company, all 11 people (and probably the brothers 2 dogs) that will be filling my tiny house.
On the plus side I also got the part to fix the pellet stove, I wasn't expecting it until after the holidays so a big YAY there, and a big sigh of relief that my electrical bill won't be "as" high as it could have been if I had to wait longer.
I also made enough tip money this week to buy dog food and get my betta fish :) I'm getting 2 betta fish tomorrow and put up these betta tanks that can be mounted to the wall for some living art, they're pretty neat and suit my living room perfectly. I'll post a pic when Statler and Waldorf are in their homes. (Bonus!!! Who know's where I got the names from??? )
This afternoon I went to get my hair cut, I almost cried at all the hair I left on the salon floor :( I didn't get much length taken off but I did get a bunch of layers put in as well as some side bangs eek! I haven't had bangs since I was 9!!!! I like the new do, but its going to take some getting used to. The Hair dresser was mighty impressed with my self dye job, so pat myself on the back for that one. And I do have to say the black on the bottom and red on top with the layers looks awesome!
I know my parents spoil us at Christmas, hell all the time really. Usually we have one or two high priced items we're usually garanteed to get, some of my past expensive gifts are kitchen aid mixer, the pasta attachments for it, mechanic tool box, this year I asked for a flat screen tv, blu ray player, and then some kitchen gadgets -which I feel I miss out on getting through a wedding shower or as wedding gifts since I have no plans of ever getting married. I also had a list of books I wouldn't mind reading, and for a change this year all I really hope to get are the books. The kitchen gadgets would be nice but I manage without them as it is, and for one person living alone I have 4! yes 4 working tvs in the house, so I really dont NEED another tv.
Happy Holidays! Joyeux Noel! Felitz Navidad! Happy Christmas!
Have a great holiday! (And if this happens to be the last day before the apocolypse it was a pleasure knowing you!)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
When it rains is pours
Broken auger motor in the pellet stove.
Water pump on the fritz.
That's 3 right?
Luckily the next two weeks I'm busy busy at work. Hopefully I can catch up on bills and pay off the repairs and start saving for spring and summer fix it jobs. I don't think I'll be travelling very far this year :( which is disapointing.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Holiday Favorites
One of my favorite things about the holidays is all the old school movies and specials thats play on tv.
My all time favorite is How the grinch stole christmas, the cartoon version. A close second is all Charlie Brown specials.
What are some of your favorite holiday things?
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Another easy peasy Pintry
The idea, drill hole in wine bottle, insert old xmas lights and done. And it was pretty easy, the longest part was drilling the hole, on Pinterest it said to use a drill bit and drill, i opted for the dremmel tool and a diamond tipped bit. Drilling through glass is a slow process since you dont want to apply too much pressure and break the glass but once through it was quick enough to make the hole big enough to insert the old xmas tree lights. I jazzed mine up with a little glitter paint cuz hey glitter is fun.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Dad's Keys
Dad got the spare key, a better flashlight, and his metal detector. I brought him back to my place, ready to free Molly from the locked truck and find the keys that were lost. He opened the door and lo-and-behold there are the missing keys. He thinks they must have fallen out of his pocket when he put Molly in the truck and she sat or stood on them locking her in and them out. LOL. guess Molly wanted to stay at my house a bit longer.
Pintry success
Another pinterest try, write words on bottle with hot glue gun and paint, easy peasy and it was....making another set to give away as gifts
Start Here
Last night my parents brought me my car. The brakes went on it and well its important to have functioning brakes, and I'm not a fan of driving my truck with no 4x4 in the winter (not that you would know its winter I woke up this morning and the snow is melted and felt like a lovely spring day!).
Luckily I have connections, my mom teaches, er, is the special education teacher at the high school, so technically she doesn't teach one class but helps students in all classes. But the shop class is happy to work on vehicles, so buy the parts and free labour to get my vehicle fixed. My car was at the school for a week, but its fixed now. And I have to say a shout out to the shop teacher, he runs his shop like a trusted mechanic should run his shop, they only fixed what needed to be done, even though it was more than I expected, apparently having a 14 yr old car is a money pit. But at the same time he also knows what his students can do, we originally had asked if they could fix my transmission and 4x4 in the truck and Mr. ShopTeacher said he'd love to take on that project but unfortunately didn't trust this group of students to take on the project, my truck is still waiting. Thank goodness I'm a Burkholder and as tradition would have it own more that one jalopie of a vehicle.
Back to last night, car was returned, we had a short visit and a cup of tea. Parents left. Or I thought they did. A few minutes later dad comes in the house, can't find his keys. Oh OH! Time passes as we search for the keys, in the house, in his pockets, in the truck in the melting snow. Nothing, so it was decided I'll take them home to get the spare key and bring dad back. Mom got out of truck, door shut, BEEP BEEP! oh OH! Doors mysterially lock, locking their dog, Molly inside. We all freeze, someone must have stepped on the keys, we check, nope. Huh?! I take them home, on the way home I tell them about the Disney Character question. My dad didn't pick said a villian would be fun, my mom said no to any of the princesses, and no to a villian she'd be a sidekick but didn't say which one. The conversation verved a little bit, she said she's been having students not know what they want to do after high school, and really I don't blame them who knows really what they're passionate about at 17 and what and where they want their life to go, its a tough decision for anyone. To help them, or anyone she's come up with a couple of questions as a place to start:
1. What did you ove to do when you were 5-7 years old? What games did you play? Where did your imagination take you?
2. If money was no object, meaning you'd get paid no matter what you were doing, what would you do?
My answer to the second question came fast and without a doubt. Travel. See the world. The first question I asked my mom if I played with animals when I was young she yes yup, and now that I think about it I had a rediculously large stuffed animal collection, some of which I still have. She also said I was a good traveller even as a child. Maybe its weird or ironic that that's what I went to school for, Travel and Tourism and Animal Grooming. Huh, maybe she's onto something, maybe you have to look to your past to see your future....
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Question Time
One of my cousins asked if you could be any Disney character who would you choose and why??
I could not narrow my choice down, I pondered over this for hours, litterally! Eventually I decided on Sully from Monsters Inc., because he is a big fluffy blue and purple monster with a good heart, he runs a factory that makes kids laugh and harvests their laugher energy to power their town. Not to mention he works with a bunch of funny monsters including two of my favorite funny Disney characters, Roz and Mike Wazowsky.

I'm going to break this question down further...
Who's your favorite Disney Princess? Why?
Who's your favorite Disney Prince? Why?
Who's your favorite Disney villian? Why?
Who's your favorite Disney sidekick (goodguy)? Why?
Who's your favorite Disney sidekick (badguy)? Why?
Favorite live actor Disney movie?
Favorite Disney Animation movie?
Favortie Disney Pixar movie?
Favorite classic Disney character, I'm talking Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, etc?
Who's your favorite Disney Prince? Why? I'm going with Aladin here. Not your high brow come in and saves the day type, he's your poor boy who marries up and tries to do good.
Who's your favorite Disney villian? Why? I love the villians, they're so much fun. And for that I have 3 tops one. Ursula, she scared the begeezus outta me when she went all crazy at the end and was huge, Scar, cuz we'll he represents all the drama that can go wrong when dealing with family, and my third favorite villian is Hades, he had awesome blue flamey hair and the god of the underworld.
Who's your favorite Disney sidekick (goodguy)? Why? I think the jungle book often gets over looked, but Baloo he's optomistic versus Bagheera's pessimisim, his intentions are good and tries his best to help Mowgli
Who's your favorite Disney sidekick (badguy)? Why? My first instinct is to say Pain and Panic from Hercules, they cracked me up when the movie first came out
Favorite Disney character who isn't of any importance to the plot but add just a little something to the story, whether its mystery, or laughs, or whatever? The Chesire cat, up to no good and not too sure if hes a good guy or a bad guy, and the character that always cracks me up is the chef from Little Mermaid, his song "first I chop off your head, then stuff you with bread, it don't hurt cuz your dead...and its gonna be hot in my big silver pot...." of course your singing it now in a ridiculously crazy french accents..LMAO!
Favorite live actor Disney movie? I'd expect most people to say the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but I'm going to go old school with the feel good Mary Poppins, Pete's Dragon, Swiss Family Robinson, and Bed Knobs and Broom Sticks
Favorite Disney Animation movie? I'm partial to the animal animation movies, the Aristocats, Oliver and Company, the Great Mouse Detective, the Fox and the Hound, the Rescurers...with the first two that I listed my favorites
Favortie Disney Pixar movie? Monsters Inc.
Favorite classic Disney character, I'm talking Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, Donald, Daisy, etc? Hands down Pluto, I remember having this tape my grandma gave my brother and I of cartoons and disney shows, there was this one part of Pluto and the chipmunk got into the house and it would bug Pluto, it was great fun
I think without a doubt there is no question that Disney is a movie making machine. Albeit some of their recent films do have an extra serving of cheese. But if you look at this list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Disney_theatrical_feature_films the majority of their films are hits (or will be).