Tuesday, March 5, 2013

virtual garage sale


Like I mentioned in my freedom 55 post, I will be selling excess stuff.

I am cleaning and catalogueing and taking pictures and making a price list.

Who knew selling a few things was going to be sooo much work!

For me I'm going to take the Kijiji and Facebook routes and post things online to sell. I'm hoping that it'll be a success and I'll be able to sell most of the stuff.

Did I mention all the work that goes into just getting all this stuff ready!?!? If a 'real life' garage sale wasn't just as much work I would have opted for that.

(I know its just a short post today -my brain is blanking on me, all I'm thinking about is the lemon herb chicken and my rosemary roasted potatoes cooking, plus that when I'm done eating I should go clean the yard, and then maybe dye my hair and pack for the weekend and get organized, does it never stop?????? I'm thinking maybe my "relaxed" inexpensive sumer plans may be a good idea after all where I can do nothing, or take up a new hobby such as my failed attempts at having a garden :S)


Anonymous said...

You sound busy.... Good Luck!!!

Lizzie said...

Yes very busy!! Good luck selling your stuff!