Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fur Babies

This is Pickles, he's 3months old. I'm not a "cat" person, but I keep a cat to control the mouse population in my house. I hate setting and emptying mouse traps more that I hate cats. I did have a gorgeous long haired calico cat for the past 5 years but I think she got eaten by the cayotes this summer :( Hopefully as long as Pickles won't feel the urge to venture outside and meet the same fate. next Friday he goes for his second set of needles then its choppy choppy time when he's old enough. Pickles is Lady's new favorite toy, whereever Pickles goes Lady thinks she should go too, the table, the counter, the closets...

This is Lady. She's my silver Standard Poodle. I rescued her this time of the year about 5 years ago, she'll be 7 in January. She's a nut, mischievious, cute, cuddley, plauful, a brat and bossy. She's a clown and very smart, makes me laugh and you never know what she'll get into. Like she knows how to open most of the doors inside the house; if I have the bathroom door close she'll think I'm hiding something from her and go investigate herself often ending up locking herself in the bathroom :S Not that you can tell from this picture but poodles do have the best soulfull dogs eyes, big brown orbs of love staring back at you. I lucked out when I rescued her too, as a groomer poodles are canvass in our world ready to be turned into works of art. She's had so many hair styles, and dye jobs and expirements done to her, she's very patient whenever I groom her or try something new out on her. Once she's gone I'll seriously think about getting another standard poodle -I'm not a small dog person. (I even have a couple possible names picked out Mokey or Gobo -names from my favorite kids show the Fraggles!)
This handsome devil is the famous Finnegan. He just turned 6 earlier this month. I adopted him when I took my grooming course. He's been the best dog ever. He's part German Shepherd and part Australian Shepherd. I worked very hard with him to train him, he's a very good listener, two things that I'm incredibly proud of is that he will walk with me off leash in the heal command -I had always wanted a dog that did that and the second thing being he is an incredible Frisbee dog. Summer or Winter, rain or shine he loves his frisbee. He's also really well behaved around other dogs. Finnegan's biggest quirk (or maybe just a point to prove he really is my dog) is that he loves to watch tv, especially when there's other animals or dogs on tv, CSI and the telus commercials are his favorite shows (he even enjoys the cartoon animals on some shows).
Dogs really do enrich your lives. I can't ever imagine not owning a dog, and if I could afford it I would have a dog farm, maybe when I win my millions this friday on the Lotto Max draw. My next dog is Elvis, he's a boston or harlequin coloured(black and white) Great Dane, another breed I feel in love with. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree I LOVE dogs too! Kel has a dog named Elvis!